Sunday, January 18, 2009

6 Sexy new things to do with your hair

Emmy Rossum -
Make a top braid. Starting one at the front of your hair, not the back, keeps it fresh.

Ashlee -
Piecey bangs plus a braid gets you schoolgirl gone bad.

Try blossoms on a headband—an update on that old bloom-in-hair thing. has a huge selection.

Tease up and down with a comb; pin.

Ashanti -
Then let it casually fall forward over your shoulders. Offset it with statement earrings.
Lucy Liu -
An exceptionally smooth one (use gel) with hair around the elastic is elegant—not at all workout-y.

喜歡Emmy 和Ashley 的編織辨子髮型~ 要卷過才能編,不然直長的頭髮就會太滑弄不到。

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