Thursday, February 26, 2009





   黎姿2月16日与老公马廷强在半岛酒店补办婚宴。而整个过程中并未露面的黎姿今日发放了几张宴会现场的图。前日发言人称黎姿穿着并不是很隆重,而从曝光 的图片来看,黎姿身上传的淡橘色礼服做工精细,一看就是出自名家之手。而她戴的首饰也价格不菲,衬托贵妇气质。打扮光鲜的黎姿对镜蜜笑,幸福满溢。

Monday, February 16, 2009

Making Your Own Milk Bath

Milk, has a natural womb beta hydroxyl acids, which not only can raise the dead skin cells, can also smoothen and make the skin luminous. Bath of milk and honey bath beauty is the way most all time favorite. Not only for the skin, milk is good for the hair, because it can make a protein inside the hair to become luminous.

Experts usually combine with the milk and soy protein from wheat in making soap and bath lotion. Gynecology the milk mixed with seeds of wheat seeds for good for sensitive skin and can smoothen provide humidity on the skin. In addition, products that contain milk can also be used for the skin and the baby all at the age of children. If you want to do your own milk bath at home, it’s easy.

Making Your Own Milk Bath

Add 2-4 cups of milk or buttermilk to a warm bath, soak for 20 minutes or so, and scrub the loosened skin cells away from your body with a washcloth or loofah in soft, circular motions. You will need to be extra gentle with delicate areas of your skin such as your neck and thigh to avoid abrasion burns.

When you are finished, rinse the milk from your body thoroughly with a quick shower and wipe the oils from the tub while they are easy to remove.

After your beauty bath, you may notice your skin is slightly oily. That is normal. It's simply the natural moisturizing effect of the milk. Exfoliating your skin too often can dry it out and the natural oils in milk will help keep your skin moisturized, making your milk bath the perfect beauty treatment for creating supple baby-soft skin.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Miu Miu collection for Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day, Miu Miu has great for that bona-fide lux-lover with the prompt to downpour.

Coffer key chain, heart shape keypad lock and the mini keypad lock that is pure fascination too!

All designs are in red with gold. I seldom choose red for accessories but this is just so lovely. I like the keypad lock and this !

For this special edition, there also have small bag, special design of massive necklace with crystal and stones, chain handles on bag...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Survey on Valentines Day

In honor of Cupid's annual visit Feb. 14, Men's Health and Women's Health magazines conducted a joint survey to figure out how men and women feel about topics ranging from the perfect Valentine's Day gift in this downtrodden economy to whether it's cliche to propose on Valentine's Day and more.

The questions, answered by more than 1,000 men and 1,000 women on the magazines' respective Web sites, offer insight into the surprising similarities between men and women when it comes to Valentine's Day and modern relationships.


1. Do you expect to have sex because it's Valentine's Day?

Yes: 43.1%

No: 56.9%

2. Who is supposed to plan Valentine's Day?

The guy: 30.3%

The girl: 1.6%

A couple should plan it together: 68.1%

3. Who is supposed to pay for Valentine's Day?

The guy: 40.3%

The girl: 0.4%

The couple should split the costs: 24.8%

Whoever planned the night: 34.4%

4. Not having a date on Valentine's Day:

It's horrible: 20.7%

It doesn't matter at all: 79.3%

5. Going on a blind date on Valentine's Day:

Sure, why not: 38.4%

No way: 61.6%

6. Having a first date on Valentine's Day:

Cheesy: 61.7%

Romantic: 38.3%

7. Getting engaged on Valentine's Day:

Cheesy: 60.8%

Romantic: 39.2%

8. Have you ever forgotten Valentine's Day?

Yes: 24.5%

No: 75.5%

9. Saying "I love you" for the first time on Valentine's Day:

Cheesy: 63.4%

Romantic: 36.6%

10. Your relationship is almost over. You break up:

Before Valentine's Day: 75.3%

After Valentine's Day: 24.7%

11. How important is it to get a gift on Valentine's Day?

If he/she forgets -- it's over: 15.0%

It's not important at all: 85.0%

12. How much money are you spending on a Valentine's Day gift?

$25 or less: 48.9%

$26-$50: 26.2%

$51-$74: 9.9%

$75 and up: 8.0%

I'm not -- he/she is supposed to spend money on me: 7.0%

13. How much should your partner spend on a Valentine's Day gift?

$25 or less: 31.0%

$26-$50: 21.8%

$51-$74: 7.9%

$75 and up: 8.0%

He/she doesn't need to get me a gift: 31.3%

14. Which best describes how you feel about V-Day?

Ick! It's a Hallmark holiday: 45.3%

Love it! It's another excuse to show I care: 54.7%

Source : ABC News 'Survey says, Men, Women on Valentine's Day'


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