Tuesday, July 28, 2009
















  我这美容大王也曾做过水晶指甲,不过要先忠告大家的是,那是一条不归路!!水晶指甲是用水晶粉加上化学液体覆盖在指甲上,形成固态后,再把多出 来的指甲修掉,相当耗时。水晶指甲看起来亮亮硬硬的,还可以磨成成自己喜欢的各种形状,它很坚固,上各种颜色效果看起来都相当漂亮。很多指甲比较小片的女 生搽指甲油不好看,或是做指甲彩绘也无法满足自己,就会选择水晶指甲,艺人当中就有挺多人喜欢做水晶指甲的。

不过只要做了水晶指甲,每个礼拜都必须回店里去补后面长出来的指甲,如果有天你卸掉了水晶指甲,你会发现自己的指甲变得又薄又软又容易断裂,这是因为指甲 长期不使用,用水晶指甲替代自己的指甲,指甲就逐渐退化了。我就曾发生过这样的问题,做了水晶指甲两个月后去卸掉,但水晶指甲非常难拆,必须要用酒精包 住,等软掉再抠掉,抠不掉的还必须用磨刀来磨……这一趟折腾下来,我的指甲花了近半年才恢复正常,很受伤!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fifty Years Of Barbie

The 50th Anniversary Barbie Shoppe >>a collector's paradise<<

Tuesday, April 21, 2009





   1 血管型:眼下的血管在平躺时,能够随着眼尾的方向流向颈部。然而,若是熬夜、加班、狂欢,一直坐或站的姿势,使得眼下血管受到地心引力影响,无法顺着眼尾 方向顺利流动,就会产生血液迟滞的问题,不流动的血液造成血红素沉淀,同时也使得血红素因缺氧颜色变得更加暗沉,在外观上,形成青紫色的眼周暗沉问题。另 外,有些人天生有过敏性鼻炎鼻塞的问题,因为鼻子过敏发炎而导致眼下血管通透性增加,造成血液沉积,而产生类似的青紫色黑眼圈。

  2 胆红素型:眼部过度疲惫、用眼过度,容易使得眼下的血红素进一步代谢而转变为胆红素,因而产生类似“鸭血”般的猪肝红色素沉淀。

  3 黑色素型:过度频繁地刺激眼周肌肤,或是卸眼妆过于频繁刺激,都容易导致眼周出现褐色的黑色素沉淀。特别容易发生在眼尾以及眼头上方。此外,受到遗传影响,有人天生眼周就容易有褐色黑眼圈的出现。

  4 松弛型:有人天生眼皮较松,加上眼周脂肪较少,松弛加上凹陷的眼皮肌肤皱缩在一块,在视觉上就会令人感觉颜色较深,特别是在下眼皮靠近眼头以及泪沟的位置,除了松弛之外,还伴随着浮肿现象,使眼下出现半月型的黑色阴影,也使你看起来更加疲惫苍老。


  血管型——改善目标:促进血液循环,添加成分:维他命E、山金车(Arnica)萃取、咖啡因、HMC甲基柑橘多酚(Hesperidin Methyl Chalcone);减少血红素沉淀,添加成分:维他命K


1 La Mer浓缩修护眼霜1800元/15ml:成分多重,结合二、四、六胜肽及甲基柑橘多酚、酵母等成分,帮助紧致、促进血液循环,改善浮肿等目的,同时巧妙地运用磁性按摩棒改善胆红素沉淀的问题。

 2 Hylexin亮眼神眼霜:添加NHS酵素、二、四胜肽、以及甲基柑橘多酚,针对血管型及胆红素型的黑眼圈都具有不错效果。

 黑色素型——改善目标:抗发炎,添加成分:甘草酸萃取(Glycyrrhizinic Acid)、洋甘菊萃取(Chamomile Extract)、传明酸(Tranexamic Acid)、鞣花酸(Ellagic Acid)、厚朴酚(5.5'-Dipropyl-Biphenyl-2.2'Diol);避免黑色素产生,添加成分:维他命C及其衍生物、熊果素 (Arbutin)、麴酸(Kojic Acid);促进肌肤新陈代谢,添加成分:酵母萃取物

 1 Clinique超凡嫩白晶莹亮采双重护理眼霜SPF15/PA++380元/7+15ml:双眼霜的设计,同时具有防晒、紧致、美白效果的眼霜,针对黑色素型及松弛型。

2 雪肌精眼霜420元/20ml:美白保湿的眼霜,以汉方薏仁萃取达到亮白眼周肌肤效果,适合黑色素型使用。


  白及弹力蛋白增生,添加成分:维他命A及其衍生物、左旋C、 水解大豆蛋白、雷公根萃取、三胜肽、五胜肽;避免胶原蛋白被分解,添加成分:大麦萃取、米胚芽萃取、山毛榉嫩芽萃取;促进真皮黏多醣增生,添加成分:玻色 因;表面提拉紧致,添加成分:豌豆蛋白、小麦蛋白、高分子聚合硅化物;避免浮肿,添加成分:二胜肽、四胜肽。

 1 BeautyBank Eyliplex-2日夜奇迹全能眼霜:双管的设计,日间具有紧致功效,夜间则具有改善血液循环并具修护效果的眼霜,推荐血管型及松弛型的人使用。

2 Shu Uemura黑萃紧颜抗皱眼唇霜520元/15ml:结合波色因、咖啡因及白杨素,针对松弛、浮肿以及胆红素型黑眼圈具有一定的改善效果。

25,35,45-year-old young 5-year-old secret sharing

1. Make every day homemade fruit facial mask: using banana plus honey, milk and flour into a little bit mask every night, 10 minutes after the wash, the skin will feel very, long-term adherence to the whitening effect is also useful.

2. Many supplementary water: lemonade, milk, tea is the drink to drink every day. Lemonade to balance the body pH, milk is a good whitening products. Pu’er tea has anti-oxidation, but also weight loss and help digestion.

25-year-old was regarded as the peak phase, regardless of the body and the skin has emerged the most perfect state. Know how to cherish, youthful presence would last.

35 years old, intelligence and beauty coexist

35-year-old is a transitional stage, you can still have a 25-year-old at the time of beauty, but if not at this time to start anti-aging conservation, Aging inadvertently betray your mind is still young.

1. Early in the morning, enjoy the fruits feast: every morning to drink a large glass of water or honey water, then an empty stomach all the fruits other than bananas, so delicious juicy fruit also nutritious stimulate the vitality of the day, while exclusion of the body toxins, is very beneficial for skin beauty.

2. Ate collagen protein: Although just a few months to eat, but feeling very good, the skin becomes more flexible than before and gloss

35-year-old focus on skin care: skin care must not miss the night time

Stay up as much as possible not to, so you no longer like the twenties, when several consecutive Endure all as if nothing had happened overnight. At the same time, do not forget at the right time to carry out adequate skin care work in the evening. 9 ~ 10 every night to strengthen the skin care is the best time, because from the beginning of 11:00, that is, cell growth and repair of the most productive, the cell division speed of around eight times faster than usual, so the skin on skin care products Strong absorption edge. Prior to that, if the use of nutrient-rich moisture late frost, they will take care to exert the best effect.

45 years old, elegant calm temperament U.S.

45-year-old beautiful woman is more like a mystery, they have the experience and the same elusive elusive age. Fine lines, spots, relaxation may visit at this time, so the skin into a decision to manage the appearance of age and actual age of the important factors.
45-year-old skin-care focus: a compact fine lines, enhance the contour

45 years old, are indispensable to the essence of a compact and effective. It is not just kind of have to tighten the pores of the pores and meticulous Essence, but can be fully tightened the entire facial skin products. They contain many rare extracts purified and injected into an excellent state of the art technology, the use of super-firming complex in the skin tissue and muscle tissue, the apparent Firming role in helping your young skin to reproduce the Compact and flexible, while delaying incoming wrinkles.

1. Optimistic about the peace of mind: more than 20-year-old woman can rely on naturally beautiful, 30-year-old can rely on cosmetics, but more than 40 years old, has a good frame of mind will be even more important. Emotions are intrinsically good or bad can be directly reflected in the face, heart optimistic and calm and beautiful skin can be smooth.

2. Many sports: because I am a dancer, has always been the one all day in sports, sports people excluded from the body toxins, and make people feel comfortable.

3. Many soup: often to themselves and their families to drink soup, bones are very nutritious soup or chicken soup, go to any spices, to maintain the original taste. Soup to absorb nutrients more easily and would not get fat, drink plenty of very good woman.

4. Pearl powder to eat every day: from more than 20-year-old began eating pearl powder, has always insisted on the. Pearl powder contains a dozen of the human body should not synthetic amino acids and a variety of trace elements, can regulate the human endocrine, skin smooth, delicate, flexible, but also to promote sleep, the effect was very good. ---by Beauty Advice

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Female guides cannot share same room with male colleagues

KUALA LUMPUR: The Tourism Ministry will revoke the licences of tour operators that force female tourist guides to share rooms with male colleagues.

Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen said the practice had “gone on too long” and that a strong message should be sent to prevent further occurrences.

“As the ministry’s woman leader, I must be responsible for the safety of the women in the industry,” she said at a press conference yesterday.

Dr Ng said while the decision might not be acceptable to many in the industry, the ministry had no choice but to ensure the safety of the female workers in the industry.

She said a circular would be distributed to all tourism companies through the Malaysia Association of Tour and Travel Agents.

Dr Ng said the ministry would revoke the licences of the companies the moment they were found guilty of committing the offence.

Dr Ng was Deputy Culture, Arts and Tourism Minister from 1999 to 2003.

A warning was issued in 2006 by the ministry against companies that forced their female guides to share rooms with men.

Last month, the Malaysian Women Tourist Guide Association voiced out against the practice on International Women’s Day.

On another matter, Dr Ng said the ministry would be launching a project dubbed “The Big Swing” to divert foreign tourists to Malaysia who were about to cancel their holiday plans to other Asean countries, especially Thailand, because of political problems.

Dr Ng said the programme, which involved the ministry, Tourism Malaysia and the private sector, would bring visitors to Malaysia instead if they decided not to go to their original destinations.

“We have asked our tourism operators to work closely with the operators and agencies of Thailand to seek ways to assist them to address the current scenario. It’s a win-win effort between our agencies and Thai-land’s,” she said.

She added that the ministry would also instruct all officers overseas to assure travellers that Asean countries were safe.

Dr Ng said while the protests in Thailand had not decreased international tourist arrivals to Malaysia and the region, a special committee was set up to proactively deal with issues that could hurt the tourism industry here. -- TheStar

Friday, March 20, 2009


kimkim给我玩的个性测试《你内心是否冰冷一片》 ,我得到的结果竟然只有15度。最糟糕的是,怎么我变得自我了?过去,有人说,我的自我保护意识很强,要靠近很容易,可是要深入了解时,我会设下一面透明的墙,跟别人保持距离。很难再去相信别人,为什么呢?一直都很讨厌狂傲自大的人,没想到原来自大的人就是我,难怪会越来越讨厌自己。不喜欢这样冰冷的感觉,啊利需要加温。


  你通常并不会表现得多热情,不是一个喜欢哗众取宠的人,在很多时候你都是安静地呆在一边看着事情发展变化,会给人稳重和可靠、温暖的印象,往往 不知不觉就对你产生好感。这样的你,实际对很多事情都觉得无所谓,不是一个喜好强烈的人,因此你不会为小事而固执己见,性格和顺,不固执,会给人一份安全 感。你会对朋友表现出热情,但是实际只有你自己心里清楚,你实际是个很自我的人,即使是跟很好的朋友,你也还是会保持一个适当的距离,并不会真的让人进入 自己的内心。

Tuesday, March 10, 2009






   因为有了阳光的照射,激活麦拉宁细胞后,才有了黑色素的生存条件,所以防晒对于美白是多么的重要。在选择美白产品时,最好挑含有防晒成分的产品,如果没 有,可以使用具有防晒效果的隔离霜或防晒霜。在防晒霜的选择上,一定要选择同时抗UVA和UVB两种波长的防晒产品,这样才能够同时有效地防晒伤和防晒 黑。一般说来,敏感和干性皮肤,适合物理性防晒产品,混合和油性皮肤可以选择化学性防晒产品。外出的时候,建议配一瓶防晒喷雾,轻轻一喷,为美白加分!












































Online TEFL

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Uses of these games in the English language classroom

Battleships can be used in children’s classes by putting grammar along the top and side of the board so that students have to form a sentence to choose a square. The strategy of the game remains but with a language focus.

Bingo can be used as it is to practise numbers. You can adapt the game to focus on larger numbers or pronunciation problems like the difference between “13” and “30”. Or you can use vocabulary; say the word and the students have to cover the correct picture. It can be adapted to any language item and it’s a great way to finish off a lesson, especially with children.

Charades: the idea of Charades is good but we usually use books, films & TV shows which students in other countries will probably be unfamiliar with. In this case you should decide in advance what culturally-specific or internationally known items to use, and write these on slips of paper which students choose at random. For more of a language focus, you may wish to jot down verbs or occupations which students have to mime.

Dominoes is good for practising phrasal verbs, verb collocations and prefixes & suffixes. Adapt the pieces so that they match up (e.g. take + out, lay + down, get + on) so the students have to match them in the game.

Hangman: letters and basic words are really good for beginners. This is good for the last 5 minutes if you need a filler!

Monopoly could be useful for a lesson on money, reading cards, and using questions dealing with buying & selling. It is not very communicative though, and is too long.

Pictionary is great fun in the classroom at all levels - try using it as a warmer at the beginning of the class. Split the class into teams - one player from each team comes to the front and the teacher shows them a word. They return to their team to draw the word; the first team to guess wins a point.

Tic Tac Toe (Noughts and Crosses) can be adapted easily by putting a word such as a modal verbs, idioms, phrasal verbs, or preposition in each square of the grid on the whiteboard. A team has to make a correct sentence with it before they can claim the square. Again, it is a great way of revising at the end of the week.

Trivial Pursuit: You could invent your own version using facts you have dropped into lessons and general knowledge (avoiding culturally specific questions).

Twister may be suitable for small children’s classes to practise colours and body parts.

20 Questions provides great speaking practice, especially if done in pairs. You should insist on totally accurate questions; students generally have a lot of problems with this form.

Scrabble can be easily used in the classroom, but use it sparingly as it doesn’t have any communication or specific language focus. You will also need to provide more than the normal 7 letters per player.

Backgammon Unable to come up with any useful purpose to this game for the EFL classroom!

Saturday, March 7, 2009





给自己做个新发型,给自己一个new look



Sunday, March 1, 2009

Warrior Queen

Fashion designers take inspiration from Joan of Arc and have thrown in medieval warrior-like motifs into their looks. Also spied toughening it up with metal, studs and sequins are Beyonce, Ximena Sarinana and Becki Newton. The clash of hardware and ethnic vibe is definitely worth clamouring after!

"The collection is conscious of the internal body, revealing the inside on the out. Fabrics are draped to hold shape in the same way as a skeleton" - Marios Schwab

"The collection is conscious of the internal body, revealing the inside on the out. Fabrics are draped to hold shape in the same way as a skeleton" - Marios Schwab

"The collection is conscious of the internal body, revealing the inside on the out. Fabrics are draped to hold shape in the same way as a skeleton" - Marios Schwab

"The collection is conscious of the internal body, revealing the inside on the out. Fabrics are draped to hold shape in the same way as a skeleton" - Marios Schwab

Thursday, February 26, 2009





   黎姿2月16日与老公马廷强在半岛酒店补办婚宴。而整个过程中并未露面的黎姿今日发放了几张宴会现场的图。前日发言人称黎姿穿着并不是很隆重,而从曝光 的图片来看,黎姿身上传的淡橘色礼服做工精细,一看就是出自名家之手。而她戴的首饰也价格不菲,衬托贵妇气质。打扮光鲜的黎姿对镜蜜笑,幸福满溢。

Monday, February 16, 2009

Making Your Own Milk Bath

Milk, has a natural womb beta hydroxyl acids, which not only can raise the dead skin cells, can also smoothen and make the skin luminous. Bath of milk and honey bath beauty is the way most all time favorite. Not only for the skin, milk is good for the hair, because it can make a protein inside the hair to become luminous.

Experts usually combine with the milk and soy protein from wheat in making soap and bath lotion. Gynecology the milk mixed with seeds of wheat seeds for good for sensitive skin and can smoothen provide humidity on the skin. In addition, products that contain milk can also be used for the skin and the baby all at the age of children. If you want to do your own milk bath at home, it’s easy.

Making Your Own Milk Bath

Add 2-4 cups of milk or buttermilk to a warm bath, soak for 20 minutes or so, and scrub the loosened skin cells away from your body with a washcloth or loofah in soft, circular motions. You will need to be extra gentle with delicate areas of your skin such as your neck and thigh to avoid abrasion burns.

When you are finished, rinse the milk from your body thoroughly with a quick shower and wipe the oils from the tub while they are easy to remove.

After your beauty bath, you may notice your skin is slightly oily. That is normal. It's simply the natural moisturizing effect of the milk. Exfoliating your skin too often can dry it out and the natural oils in milk will help keep your skin moisturized, making your milk bath the perfect beauty treatment for creating supple baby-soft skin.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Miu Miu collection for Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day, Miu Miu has great for that bona-fide lux-lover with the prompt to downpour.

Coffer key chain, heart shape keypad lock and the mini keypad lock that is pure fascination too!

All designs are in red with gold. I seldom choose red for accessories but this is just so lovely. I like the keypad lock and this !

For this special edition, there also have small bag, special design of massive necklace with crystal and stones, chain handles on bag...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Survey on Valentines Day

In honor of Cupid's annual visit Feb. 14, Men's Health and Women's Health magazines conducted a joint survey to figure out how men and women feel about topics ranging from the perfect Valentine's Day gift in this downtrodden economy to whether it's cliche to propose on Valentine's Day and more.

The questions, answered by more than 1,000 men and 1,000 women on the magazines' respective Web sites, offer insight into the surprising similarities between men and women when it comes to Valentine's Day and modern relationships.


1. Do you expect to have sex because it's Valentine's Day?

Yes: 43.1%

No: 56.9%

2. Who is supposed to plan Valentine's Day?

The guy: 30.3%

The girl: 1.6%

A couple should plan it together: 68.1%

3. Who is supposed to pay for Valentine's Day?

The guy: 40.3%

The girl: 0.4%

The couple should split the costs: 24.8%

Whoever planned the night: 34.4%

4. Not having a date on Valentine's Day:

It's horrible: 20.7%

It doesn't matter at all: 79.3%

5. Going on a blind date on Valentine's Day:

Sure, why not: 38.4%

No way: 61.6%

6. Having a first date on Valentine's Day:

Cheesy: 61.7%

Romantic: 38.3%

7. Getting engaged on Valentine's Day:

Cheesy: 60.8%

Romantic: 39.2%

8. Have you ever forgotten Valentine's Day?

Yes: 24.5%

No: 75.5%

9. Saying "I love you" for the first time on Valentine's Day:

Cheesy: 63.4%

Romantic: 36.6%

10. Your relationship is almost over. You break up:

Before Valentine's Day: 75.3%

After Valentine's Day: 24.7%

11. How important is it to get a gift on Valentine's Day?

If he/she forgets -- it's over: 15.0%

It's not important at all: 85.0%

12. How much money are you spending on a Valentine's Day gift?

$25 or less: 48.9%

$26-$50: 26.2%

$51-$74: 9.9%

$75 and up: 8.0%

I'm not -- he/she is supposed to spend money on me: 7.0%

13. How much should your partner spend on a Valentine's Day gift?

$25 or less: 31.0%

$26-$50: 21.8%

$51-$74: 7.9%

$75 and up: 8.0%

He/she doesn't need to get me a gift: 31.3%

14. Which best describes how you feel about V-Day?

Ick! It's a Hallmark holiday: 45.3%

Love it! It's another excuse to show I care: 54.7%

Source : ABC News 'Survey says, Men, Women on Valentine's Day'

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


在爱情字典里,爱情应该是世界上最伟大的记载。神圣的爱情故事里,融不下一粒小小的沙子。双鱼可以一哭二闹三上吊,相信很多热恋中的情侣也会这样。有时我 想,也许,我也会是这样的一条鱼,当个为了爱,义无反顾,为了另一半可以作任何牺牲,对他千依百顺,百般讨好,学他喜欢的,做他喜欢的,就像全世界只剩下 我们两个人。然而,我办不到!

爱情和面包摆在眼前,我会很势力眼的选择后者,抛弃前者。虽然,我愿意为了他去学他喜欢的,不管我多么不喜欢,我也会尝试让 自己喜欢他喜欢的。。。甚至我可能会忘记原来我最喜欢的是什么?但是,我会坚持我要的坚持,我还是我,我会尝试喜欢你的喜欢,但我不会喜欢你喜欢的全部, 因为我也不期望你能喜欢我喜欢的全部。

爱情不是数学题,不能作比较,不是一个方程式就能点算清楚。对爱付出没有错,但是一味麻木的付出,那就不再叫做爱 情,那是种施舍。难听说一句,它是种可悲又失败的投资。投资错误,只会让付出的一方伤痕累累。或许,我现在有口说人,没口说自己。或许,某一天,我就是那 个失败又可悲的投资者,但是,我希望,在我失去理智前,记起我曾经说过的这段话,爱情是两个人共同去创造的,不管谁付出多与少,但绝对不是一味麻木的付出 直到失去原来的自己。如果真有这么一天,希望,我身边的朋友会提醒我,“这世界上除了爱情,还有亲情、友情。。。做回你自己!珍惜自己!珍惜身边的人!做回那无情的双鱼也没关系!生活像天平,需要不同的感情去平衡,不要只是为了爱情而活,应该为了‘爱’和‘情’而活,那人生才有意义”。


Sunday, January 18, 2009


描述:随着社会越来越摩登,世俗的观念也渐渐地被屏弃了,我行我素的年轻人们开始按照自己的感觉来决定另一半,因此出现了很多老少配,姐弟恋,明星们亦是如此,那么在此风盛行的社会中,你觉得年龄会影响爱情的质量吗?你是怎样看待年龄差很大的爱情的呢? 〉〉開始測試〈〈


你觉得年龄差别会影响自己爱情的质量,对此会有些在意,太老太小的不要,而且十分看重代沟问题。 你需要的是一个能和你相互商量、共同度过今后岁月的对象,而不是要照顾你或者靠你来照顾的男人。爱情、婚姻、家庭的平等对于你来说是十分必要的。象你如此 有思想的女性,其实可以屏弃代沟这种看法,年长者里也不乏拥有时尚思想的,年轻人里也有少年老成的,只要不是岁数相差到自己不能接受的范围,还是尝试一下 这样有新鲜感的爱情吧~~


是不是每個人都可以接受姐弟戀呢?也許你不介意,但是難保你的家人可以抛開傳統的枷鎖、也許周遭鄰居的指指點點、朋友們不經意的一些玩笑或一些揶揄,有時會造成無形的傷害。比如聚會裏,女友比男友打扮更成熟,朋友第一次見面新認識問道‘這是你姐姐嗎?’ 不知道男生會不會在意?也許他沒有,那麽女生呢?可能這個也不重要吧,外表,每個人都終究會變老、會有皺紋、慢慢衰退的時候,但是心智和思想成熟終得是需要的吧。難不成,還要姐姐好像媽媽照顧孩子般的服侍男友,大小事都需要為他操勞,反而自己有事他卻幫不上,不會解決,也無法諒解你的感受,那麽不是很辛苦嗎?

6 Sexy new things to do with your hair

Emmy Rossum -
Make a top braid. Starting one at the front of your hair, not the back, keeps it fresh.

Ashlee -
Piecey bangs plus a braid gets you schoolgirl gone bad.

Try blossoms on a headband—an update on that old bloom-in-hair thing. Shopstyle.com has a huge selection.

Tease up and down with a comb; pin.

Ashanti -
Then let it casually fall forward over your shoulders. Offset it with statement earrings.
Lucy Liu -
An exceptionally smooth one (use gel) with hair around the elastic is elegant—not at all workout-y.

喜歡Emmy 和Ashley 的編織辨子髮型~ 要卷過才能編,不然直長的頭髮就會太滑弄不到。

Friday, January 16, 2009


我應該是屬於夜貓型吧?!最近出奇的早起身,自己也覺得反常。 -.-"







Tuesday, January 13, 2009



Flowing hair trend on Donna Karan (left and right) and Anna Sui Spring/Summer 2009 runways (middle)


Sleek and straight hair trend on Doo Ri (left) and Matthew Williamson runways (middle and right)

马尾辫Milkmaid braid


在打造本季流行的马尾辫时,则要掌握“光洁平滑,自然松散”的原则,首先要选择恰当的洗发露 和护发素,令头发更丰盈健康平滑顺直;随后将八分干的头发分成数缕,涂上适量强力造型摩丝,用手插入头发揉搓,用吹风机吹干;再将两鬓和剩余的头发全部梳 到脑后,用手抓紧,在后脑勺中央位置用发带固定;最后用手指将发梢轻轻的拨散,将发辫上端的头发弄蓬松,自然散在脑后,这样能更好地衬托出垂感马尾的飘 逸。


今年女生可以考慮悄悄從男友衣櫥裏拿一件牛仔褲來穿!2009年女生的牛仔褲必備元素是," boyfriend jeans" 褲身帶點寬鬆感,誇張型的,將褲腳卷起來厚厚一塊,最重要是突顯鞋子

Lindsay Lohan 的 boyfriend jeans + 中間剪裁露腳趾的高跟鞋

Victoria Beckham 的 pixie crop頭 + boyfriend jeans + Aviator太陽眼鏡

Monday, January 5, 2009


不少女士都愛敷面膜保養肌膚,但台灣 消費者文教基金會(消基會)一項針對當地美容面膜抽樣檢測發現,在抽驗的20個樣本中,15個樣本含防腐劑,當中兩款在中國製的Neutrogena及OLAY面膜,更驗出含兩種防腐劑,但本報記者昨日在本港多家大型日用品連鎖店舖仍輕易購得兩款面膜。


本報在截稿前曾致電兩個品牌在港的代理商,但一直未有人接聽。本港消委會 發言人表示,暫時未知會如何處理兩款產品,當局可能會在假期後,先看台灣方面的報告,了解當地的安全標準,才作判斷。海關 則稱會了解事件,如發現不安全的消費品,將會採取適當的行動。

消基會的化驗結果顯示,雖然15個面膜樣本含「對羥基苯甲酸酯類」防腐劑,但全部含量都在台灣衛署規定限量1%以下的標準內,但台灣消基會秘書長吳 家誠點名批評兩款在中國生產的面膜品牌,分別是在港亦頗普遍的Neutrogena「水潤精華保濕面膜」,內含「對羥基苯甲酸甲酯」和「對羥基苯甲酸乙 酯」兩種防腐劑;以及OLAY「自然柔白面膜」,內含「對羥基苯甲酸乙酯」和「對羥基苯甲酸丙酯」兩種防腐劑。

含量未超標 消基會﹕根本毋須添加

吳氏批評,面膜根本毋須添加防腐劑,但廠商為延長使用期限,常作不當的添加,可能會令長期使用的消費者有潛在風險,他又指台灣的衛生標準太寬鬆,長 期接觸防腐劑的消費者,會令皮膚愈來愈乾燥,甚至可能致癌。吳家誠更引述國外研究指出,「對羥基苯甲酸酯類」會破壞皮膚皮脂膜,讓皮膚變得乾燥,降低分泌 皮脂功能,甚至引起接觸性皮膚炎

被台灣當局點名的兩款面膜,在本港亦有售,昨日本 報記者分別在莎莎、卓悅、屈臣市及萬寧仍發現有關貨品出售,未被落架。卓悅的售貨員表示,未聽過有面膜被驗出含防腐劑的消息:「無收到通知喎,頭先新聞都無講……如果真係有事,我哋咪落架囉。」

Neutrogena及OLAY兩款面膜的售價約60至90元左右。其中Neutrogena盒上聲稱,面膜中含高效水分精華,「即時提升肌膚水分 14倍的同時,在肌膚表面形成鎖水層,防止底層水分在毛孔流失」。OLAY面膜則稱可「幫助改善肌膚柔白及水潤狀况」、「使肌膚如牛奶般柔白細滑」。唯兩 盒面膜的包裝上,均無標明成分含有防腐劑。 (資料來源:明報)


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