Tuesday, April 21, 2009





   1 血管型:眼下的血管在平躺时,能够随着眼尾的方向流向颈部。然而,若是熬夜、加班、狂欢,一直坐或站的姿势,使得眼下血管受到地心引力影响,无法顺着眼尾 方向顺利流动,就会产生血液迟滞的问题,不流动的血液造成血红素沉淀,同时也使得血红素因缺氧颜色变得更加暗沉,在外观上,形成青紫色的眼周暗沉问题。另 外,有些人天生有过敏性鼻炎鼻塞的问题,因为鼻子过敏发炎而导致眼下血管通透性增加,造成血液沉积,而产生类似的青紫色黑眼圈。

  2 胆红素型:眼部过度疲惫、用眼过度,容易使得眼下的血红素进一步代谢而转变为胆红素,因而产生类似“鸭血”般的猪肝红色素沉淀。

  3 黑色素型:过度频繁地刺激眼周肌肤,或是卸眼妆过于频繁刺激,都容易导致眼周出现褐色的黑色素沉淀。特别容易发生在眼尾以及眼头上方。此外,受到遗传影响,有人天生眼周就容易有褐色黑眼圈的出现。

  4 松弛型:有人天生眼皮较松,加上眼周脂肪较少,松弛加上凹陷的眼皮肌肤皱缩在一块,在视觉上就会令人感觉颜色较深,特别是在下眼皮靠近眼头以及泪沟的位置,除了松弛之外,还伴随着浮肿现象,使眼下出现半月型的黑色阴影,也使你看起来更加疲惫苍老。


  血管型——改善目标:促进血液循环,添加成分:维他命E、山金车(Arnica)萃取、咖啡因、HMC甲基柑橘多酚(Hesperidin Methyl Chalcone);减少血红素沉淀,添加成分:维他命K


1 La Mer浓缩修护眼霜1800元/15ml:成分多重,结合二、四、六胜肽及甲基柑橘多酚、酵母等成分,帮助紧致、促进血液循环,改善浮肿等目的,同时巧妙地运用磁性按摩棒改善胆红素沉淀的问题。

 2 Hylexin亮眼神眼霜:添加NHS酵素、二、四胜肽、以及甲基柑橘多酚,针对血管型及胆红素型的黑眼圈都具有不错效果。

 黑色素型——改善目标:抗发炎,添加成分:甘草酸萃取(Glycyrrhizinic Acid)、洋甘菊萃取(Chamomile Extract)、传明酸(Tranexamic Acid)、鞣花酸(Ellagic Acid)、厚朴酚(5.5'-Dipropyl-Biphenyl-2.2'Diol);避免黑色素产生,添加成分:维他命C及其衍生物、熊果素 (Arbutin)、麴酸(Kojic Acid);促进肌肤新陈代谢,添加成分:酵母萃取物

 1 Clinique超凡嫩白晶莹亮采双重护理眼霜SPF15/PA++380元/7+15ml:双眼霜的设计,同时具有防晒、紧致、美白效果的眼霜,针对黑色素型及松弛型。

2 雪肌精眼霜420元/20ml:美白保湿的眼霜,以汉方薏仁萃取达到亮白眼周肌肤效果,适合黑色素型使用。


  白及弹力蛋白增生,添加成分:维他命A及其衍生物、左旋C、 水解大豆蛋白、雷公根萃取、三胜肽、五胜肽;避免胶原蛋白被分解,添加成分:大麦萃取、米胚芽萃取、山毛榉嫩芽萃取;促进真皮黏多醣增生,添加成分:玻色 因;表面提拉紧致,添加成分:豌豆蛋白、小麦蛋白、高分子聚合硅化物;避免浮肿,添加成分:二胜肽、四胜肽。

 1 BeautyBank Eyliplex-2日夜奇迹全能眼霜:双管的设计,日间具有紧致功效,夜间则具有改善血液循环并具修护效果的眼霜,推荐血管型及松弛型的人使用。

2 Shu Uemura黑萃紧颜抗皱眼唇霜520元/15ml:结合波色因、咖啡因及白杨素,针对松弛、浮肿以及胆红素型黑眼圈具有一定的改善效果。

25,35,45-year-old young 5-year-old secret sharing

1. Make every day homemade fruit facial mask: using banana plus honey, milk and flour into a little bit mask every night, 10 minutes after the wash, the skin will feel very, long-term adherence to the whitening effect is also useful.

2. Many supplementary water: lemonade, milk, tea is the drink to drink every day. Lemonade to balance the body pH, milk is a good whitening products. Pu’er tea has anti-oxidation, but also weight loss and help digestion.

25-year-old was regarded as the peak phase, regardless of the body and the skin has emerged the most perfect state. Know how to cherish, youthful presence would last.

35 years old, intelligence and beauty coexist

35-year-old is a transitional stage, you can still have a 25-year-old at the time of beauty, but if not at this time to start anti-aging conservation, Aging inadvertently betray your mind is still young.

1. Early in the morning, enjoy the fruits feast: every morning to drink a large glass of water or honey water, then an empty stomach all the fruits other than bananas, so delicious juicy fruit also nutritious stimulate the vitality of the day, while exclusion of the body toxins, is very beneficial for skin beauty.

2. Ate collagen protein: Although just a few months to eat, but feeling very good, the skin becomes more flexible than before and gloss

35-year-old focus on skin care: skin care must not miss the night time

Stay up as much as possible not to, so you no longer like the twenties, when several consecutive Endure all as if nothing had happened overnight. At the same time, do not forget at the right time to carry out adequate skin care work in the evening. 9 ~ 10 every night to strengthen the skin care is the best time, because from the beginning of 11:00, that is, cell growth and repair of the most productive, the cell division speed of around eight times faster than usual, so the skin on skin care products Strong absorption edge. Prior to that, if the use of nutrient-rich moisture late frost, they will take care to exert the best effect.

45 years old, elegant calm temperament U.S.

45-year-old beautiful woman is more like a mystery, they have the experience and the same elusive elusive age. Fine lines, spots, relaxation may visit at this time, so the skin into a decision to manage the appearance of age and actual age of the important factors.
45-year-old skin-care focus: a compact fine lines, enhance the contour

45 years old, are indispensable to the essence of a compact and effective. It is not just kind of have to tighten the pores of the pores and meticulous Essence, but can be fully tightened the entire facial skin products. They contain many rare extracts purified and injected into an excellent state of the art technology, the use of super-firming complex in the skin tissue and muscle tissue, the apparent Firming role in helping your young skin to reproduce the Compact and flexible, while delaying incoming wrinkles.

1. Optimistic about the peace of mind: more than 20-year-old woman can rely on naturally beautiful, 30-year-old can rely on cosmetics, but more than 40 years old, has a good frame of mind will be even more important. Emotions are intrinsically good or bad can be directly reflected in the face, heart optimistic and calm and beautiful skin can be smooth.

2. Many sports: because I am a dancer, has always been the one all day in sports, sports people excluded from the body toxins, and make people feel comfortable.

3. Many soup: often to themselves and their families to drink soup, bones are very nutritious soup or chicken soup, go to any spices, to maintain the original taste. Soup to absorb nutrients more easily and would not get fat, drink plenty of very good woman.

4. Pearl powder to eat every day: from more than 20-year-old began eating pearl powder, has always insisted on the. Pearl powder contains a dozen of the human body should not synthetic amino acids and a variety of trace elements, can regulate the human endocrine, skin smooth, delicate, flexible, but also to promote sleep, the effect was very good. ---by Beauty Advice

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Female guides cannot share same room with male colleagues

KUALA LUMPUR: The Tourism Ministry will revoke the licences of tour operators that force female tourist guides to share rooms with male colleagues.

Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen said the practice had “gone on too long” and that a strong message should be sent to prevent further occurrences.

“As the ministry’s woman leader, I must be responsible for the safety of the women in the industry,” she said at a press conference yesterday.

Dr Ng said while the decision might not be acceptable to many in the industry, the ministry had no choice but to ensure the safety of the female workers in the industry.

She said a circular would be distributed to all tourism companies through the Malaysia Association of Tour and Travel Agents.

Dr Ng said the ministry would revoke the licences of the companies the moment they were found guilty of committing the offence.

Dr Ng was Deputy Culture, Arts and Tourism Minister from 1999 to 2003.

A warning was issued in 2006 by the ministry against companies that forced their female guides to share rooms with men.

Last month, the Malaysian Women Tourist Guide Association voiced out against the practice on International Women’s Day.

On another matter, Dr Ng said the ministry would be launching a project dubbed “The Big Swing” to divert foreign tourists to Malaysia who were about to cancel their holiday plans to other Asean countries, especially Thailand, because of political problems.

Dr Ng said the programme, which involved the ministry, Tourism Malaysia and the private sector, would bring visitors to Malaysia instead if they decided not to go to their original destinations.

“We have asked our tourism operators to work closely with the operators and agencies of Thailand to seek ways to assist them to address the current scenario. It’s a win-win effort between our agencies and Thai-land’s,” she said.

She added that the ministry would also instruct all officers overseas to assure travellers that Asean countries were safe.

Dr Ng said while the protests in Thailand had not decreased international tourist arrivals to Malaysia and the region, a special committee was set up to proactively deal with issues that could hurt the tourism industry here. -- TheStar


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